Tuesday 9 June 2009

Stu Mackay 'Silverware in our sights.'

Stu Mackay has been with the Spartans since the day it was created. A founding father, whos list of attributes include pace, power, agility but most imporantly, when it comes to tours like the one the Spartans are about to embark, he can bring experience to the team.

RuckU caught up with Stu to get his view on a few key points leading into the tour.

Q - What part of this tour are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to us taking our strongest squad of the year to Las Vegas. We also have Will Lowden (Club captain) back which will be a huge plus for us. We have missed his influence in the starting 7. Adam Craddock is also back and he wins a huge amount of ball for us on the floor so i am looking forward to bringing home the Vegas Silverware.

Q - What you think will be key in terms of success on the field?

3 things for me: Communication, Defence & Organisation. We get these things right it will take a very good team to beat us on our day. I also hope the boys have been working hard in the gym as the heat in Vegas will be a real killer.

Q - What you think of the squad in terms of talent going to Vegas?

I am excited we have lots of talented players coming and i think finally we have some good depth and strength in our squad.

We need to work hard on our structure and game plan during the week while we are in Vegas so come Saturday everyone knows exactly the type of game we are going to play.

Lets not forget we are there to win this competition .... It is Vegas and yes we will have a good time but everyone's sights should be set on Saturday and winning this tournament.

You can hear more from Stu as the days count down to the tournament including photos and a video message from Vegas.


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