Monday 20 April 2009

Introducing Will and Scott Lowden

Will and Scott Lowden play a big part in the Spartans. Scott learnt his rugby at Wellington College and is currently a member of the succesful Bristol UWE rugby side. He is a dancer on the pitch; elusive, quick and one of those players who you annoyingly can't get hold of. The Scottish half of him means he will work his socks off and his French half means he can bring out the flair.

Will is an older and more experienced version of Scott. A hard worker, a very skillfull player but also a leader. As club captain, Will has been there from the start and always stands up to the challenge. Sadly, Will suffered a knee ligament injury which has meant he has been out for 9 months and is a few months away from a return. In which Will has stepped into the coaching role at the Spartans and it is something he is controlling very well.

With Scott on the field and Will directing things off it, the Spartans are still in safe hadns.

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