Tuesday 24 February 2009

Spartans Looking Good

Training and preparation for the kick off of the Spartan Season is underway and going well. The boys got together recently at 'base' to start getting an udnerstanding between each other and blow out the cob webs and Coach Will Lowden was pleased with what he saw.

"Was good to finally get things started and get the ball rolling. Some of these boys are really talented and the potential is great. We still have players out either injured or unavailable. When they get back in it is going to be a headache for me ad Carling to select but, any coach will tell you, that's one headache you are happy to have."

Will also made a plea to everyone to get behind the Spartan's cause and donate to the team. "This donation process we have set up is a great idea and i really urge people to get behind us. We are not asking for stupid amounts of money but little donations here and there will give us a huge advantage. It is a great thing to support aswell. The Spartans are giving guys who are at small clubs and universities the chance to show what they can do and give them the chance to play high levels of rugby. Some of these guys will raise some eybrows!"

The Spartans training schedule continues this weekend.

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